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Vörösiszap felhasználása talaj-adalékanyagként toxikus fémekkel szennyezett talaj javítására

Data provider

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group

Organisation/Data provider's nameBudapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group
Name of contact
Dr. Molnár Mónika, Dr. Feigl Viktória
Contact details
Compulsory sheet of the technology
Technology Hungarian nameVörösiszap felhasználása talaj-adalékanyagként toxikus fémekkel szennyezett talaj javítására
Technology name
The use of red mud as soil additive to the improvement of soil polluted by toxic metals
Country of origin
Stage of development
after application
Financing of the project
Application sphere
Contaminant group|Contaminant typically treated
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • cadmium
Contaminant group|Contaminant typically treated
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • zinc
Contaminant group|Contaminant typically treated
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • lead
Information on the technology
Environmental element/phase the method may be applied to
Unsaturated (whole) soil
Pore water
Subsurface water
Technology type
Basis of the technology
Physical- chemical
Technology description

15 cm mélyre agrotechnikai eljárásokkal 3 w% friss vörösiszapot helyezünk a remediálni kívánt cinkkel, ólommal, vagy kadmiummal szennyezett és savanyú területre.

Description of the novelty of the technology

nem a fémet távolítjuk el, hanem a kockázatot a mobilitás (vízoldhatóság, növényi felvétel) csökkentésével végezzük a remediációt.

Technology classification
Remediation technology type
  • physico-chemical remediation
  • chemical stabilisation
Other remediation technology
lúgosítás/pH normalizálás
Remediation technology from contaminant point of view
Remediation technology from execution point of view
in situ
Technological parameters
Contaminant amount
Other technological parameter

biológiai aktivitás, fitotoxicitás, fémmoz

Monitored environmental element
Unsaturated (whole) soil
Pore water
Subsurface water
Duration of post monitoring
2 - 5 év
Costs of the technology
Capital costs
40 - 200 Euro
Specific total costs
2 - 4 Euro
SWOT (evalaution based on scores)
Time requirement
5-very low
Space requirement
5-very low
Workload requirement
5-very low
Equipment, apparata requirement
5-very low
Qualified labour
5-very low
Environmental risk and workplace risks
5-very low
Ability to meet the target value
Environmental efficiency
Cost efficiency
Well known
SWOT (evaluation in words)

Kis ráfordítást igénylő olcsó technológia.
Két szempontból is környezettudatos: mind a leromlott talaj, mind a vörösiszap káros a környezetre, együttesen viszont a környezeti kockázatot csökkentik.


A környezeti kockázat nem szűnik meg teljesen, mindig marad kockázat, de a talajromlási folyamat, és a szennyezőanyag terjedése megállítható.


Tengervízzel kombinálva akár bauxit bánya remediálásra is alkalmasnak találták


Nehézfém szennyezés bekerülhet a talajvízbe.

Publications, references

An inter-laboratory study to test the ability of amendmens to reduce the availability of Cd,Pb, and Zn in situ
Sally Brown, Barbara Christensen, Enzo Lombi, Mike McLaughlin, Steve McGrath, Jan Colpaert, Jaco Vangronsveld

Evaluation of the interaction mechanisms between red muds and heavy metals. (Santona és mtsai 2005)

An inter-laboratory study to test the ability of amendments (Brown és mtsai 2005)

Field evaluation of in situ remediation of a heavy metal contaminated soilnext term using lime and previous termred-mudnext term (Greyés mtsai 2005)

Remediation of contaminated agricultural soils near a former (Friesl és mtsai 2005)

Influence of red mud, zeolite and lime on heavy metal immobilization. (Garau és mtsai2007)

Vörösiszap és tengervíz savas bányaterület(bauxit) semlegesítésére (Paradis és mtsai2007)

In situ fixation of metals in soils using bauxite residue chemical (Lombi és mtsai 2001)


Remediation of contaminated agricultural soils near a former (Friesl és mtsai 2005)

Friesl-Hanl, W.: Immobilising of Cd, Pb, and Zn contaminated arable soils close to a former Pb/Zn smelter: a field study in Austria over 5 years, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Volume 31, Number 5, 581-594, 2009

Properties of the datasheet
Datasheet id (original)
Bede Karolina
Adatlap típusaSoil remediation technology