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Bányaudvari, mállott meddőanyag/váz talaj

Data provider

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group

Organisation/Data provider's nameBudapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group
Name of contact
Dr. Molnár Mónika, Dr. Feigl Viktória
Contact details
Data on the producer, manager and collector
Mecsek-Öko Környezetvédelmi Zrt.
Name of contact
Hordós István
Street, No.
Altáró 703/4 hrsz.
Postal code
Connection with the waste or by-product
General information about the waste or by-product
Denomination of the waste or by-productBányaudvari, mállott meddőanyag/váz talaj
Denomination of the waste or by-product in English
Weathered mining spoil/skeletal soils of Bányaudvar
Type of the waste or by-product data-sheet
Characterisation of a particular waste or secondary product
Functional characterisation
Non-hazardous waste from mining
EWC code of waste
  • 01 01 wastes from mineral excavation
  • 01 01 01 wastes from mineral metalliferous excavation
Consistency of the waste or by-product
Description of the waste generating technology

A bányaudvari meddőanyag az Altáró (Gyöngyösoroszi bánya fő bejárata) mélyítésekor kitermelt meddőanyagból áll. Ennek tetején került kialakításra az Altárói üzemudvar, melynek felszínén különböző üzemépületek állnak. Az építés során valószínűleg kisebb méretű meddőhányók anyagát is felhasználták. A meddőanyag tetején gyenge minőségű, váz talaj alakult ki az évek során.

Any special characteristics of the waste or by-product

A bányaudvari meddőanyag és a tetején kialakult gyenge minőságű talaj nagy As, Cd, Zn és Pb tartalmú, enyhén savas-semleges pH-jú. Az Altáró volt az érces anyag szállításának útvonala, ezáltal az Altárói-üzemudvart a bányászat évtizedei alatt jelentős többletterhelés érte.

Is it a hazardous waste?
Dumped tonnage
1 000 m3
Characterisation of the waste as a chemical substance
Mixture of chemical substances
Characterisation and concentration of the chemical substances
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • cadmium
Other type of chemical substance
kadmium vizes kivonatban
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
0.311 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • zinc
Other type of chemical substance
cink vizes kivonatban
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
47.5 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • arsenic
Other type of chemical substance
arzén vizes kivonatban
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
<0.080 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • lead
Other type of chemical substance
ólom vizes kivonatban
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
0.067 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • cadmium
Other type of chemical substance
kadmium királyvizes kivonatban
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
27.6 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • zinc
Other type of chemical substance
cink királyvizes kivonatban
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
4814 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • arsenic
Other type of chemical substance
arzén királyvizes kivonatban
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
351 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • lead
Other type of chemical substance
ólom királyvizes kivonatban
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
2573 mg/kg
Main characteristics of the waste/ by-product
Name of the waste/by-product
Bányaudvari, mállott meddőanyag/váz talaj
Components of the waste/by-product

A bányaudvari meddőanyag érces, savanyú meddőkőzetből áll, melyből mállás során gyenge minőségű talaj alakult ki.

Other characteristics of the waste/by-product

A bányabérci meddőanyag felületén kialakult mállott, váz-talaj fémtartalma nagyobb, mint az alatta elhelyezkedő meddőanyagé. Elsősorban a vízzel kiextrahálható Cd és Zn tartalma nagy, de található benne mobilis Pb és Cu is. A mállás során a fémek is felszabadulnak a molekularácsból, így a mállott meddőanyag kockázatosabbá válik, mint az eredeti anyag.

Physico-chemical properties of the waste or by-product
Conductivity (mS/cm)
Organic content (%)
Pozzolan activity

Arany-féle kötöttség: 39

Is this waste or by-product being utilised?
No information
Hazards of the waste or by-product
Hazard characteristics
Not classified
Measured harmful effects
If harmful effect was measured, please, specify what was measured, which method was used, who did the measurement, and what was the result

A mállott, humuszosodott meddőanyag ötször toxikusabb (bakteriális és növényi toxicitási teszttel mérve), mint az eredeti meddőanyag (Klebercz Orsolya, Diplomamunka, BME ABÉT, 2009).

Suspected harmful effects

Mobilis fémtartalma csapadékkal kioldódhat és növények számára is felvehető.

Potential utilisation in soil
Would it be suitable for soil reclamation in general?
Would it supply nitrogen, phosphorous and/or potassium to the soil?
No information
Would it supply mesoelements (Ca, Cl, Fe, Mg, Na, S, Si) to the soil?
No information
Would it supply microelements (B, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn, V) to the soil?
No information
Would it provide sufficient amounts of special nutrients to the soil?
No information
Would it increase the humus/organic matter content of the soil?
Would it suffice as a main component of growing media?
Would it suffice as an additive to growing media?
Justification, references

A mobilis fémtartalom stabilizálása után (pl. erőművi pernyével) a meddőanyag növények termesztésére alkalmassá válhat.

Would it improve the structure of compacted soil and/or contribute to soil crumb formation of poorly structured soils?
No information
Would it be suitable for physical stabilisation and/or texture improvement of loose, quagmire soils?
No information
Would it be suitable for amending sandy soils?
No information
Would it be suitable for erosion prevention?
No information
Would it be suitable for amending acidic soils?
Justification, references

pH-ja gyengén savanyú, ezért lúgos talajok pH-jának csökkentésére alkalmas lehet.

Would it be suitable for amending saline and sodic soils?
No information
Would it reduce the mobility and availability of the contaminants?
Would it intensify the mobility, availability of the contaminants?
Would it intensify physical, chemical, and/or biological degradation and decomposition of contaminants?
Would it be suitable for production of geotechnical elements?
No information
Risks associated with potential utilisation in soil

Nagy mobilis fémtartalma miatt a hasznosítás során a fémek vízzel és növény általi fémfelvétellel terjedhetnek.

Properties of the datasheet
Datasheet id (original)
Feigl Viktória
Adatlap típusaWaste / by-product survey