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Kiáztatott teafű

Data provider

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group

Organisation/Data provider's nameBudapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group
Name of contact
Dr. Molnár Mónika, Dr. Feigl Viktória
Contact details
General information about the waste or by-product
Denomination of the waste or by-productKiáztatott teafű
Type of the waste or by-product data-sheet
General characterization
Functional characterisation
Non-hazardous waste from food industry
EWC code of waste
  • HUF
  • konzervgyártásból
  • lesztő és élesztő kivonat készítéséből, melasz feldolgozásból és fermentálásból származó hulladékok
  • 02 03 03 wastes from solvent extraction
Consistency of the waste or by-product
Description of the waste generating technology

Forróvizes extrahálás után visszamaradt extrahált teafű.

Is it a hazardous waste?
Characterisation of the waste as a chemical substance
Mixture of chemical substances
Characterisation and concentration of the chemical substances
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
25 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
15 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
12 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
7 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
6 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
szerves savak
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
5 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
4 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
4 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
3.5 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
3.5 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other organic chemical substance
Other type of chemical substance
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
3.5 %
Main characteristics of the waste/ by-product
Name of the waste/by-product
Kiáztatott teafű
Components of the waste/by-product

katechinek, fehérje, poliszacharidok, lignin, cellulóz, szerves savak, koffein, keményítő,

Physico-chemical properties of the waste or by-product
Is this waste or by-product being utilised?

A teafűből készült komposzt hatékony természetes növényvédőszer különböző növényi kórokozókkal szemben, mint például a szürkerothadás kórokozója.
Szennyvízből réz és ólom adszorbeálására használják a hulladék teafüvet.
A fekete teán fermentált mikrobiális közösség (gombák) az arzén eltávolítására képes a talajvízből.
Napégés és rovarcsípés kezelésére is alkalmas, puhítja a bőrt. A hűtőszekrény és konyhai felületek szagtalanítására alkalmazható, esetleg kárpitok felfrissítésére.
Források:…… slide=1972641…

References on utilisation

A talajba helyezve növeli a porozitást és a talajrögök méretét csökkenti. A vizsgált növények növekedését elősegítette.

Yasmeen Siddiqui, Sariah Meon, Razi Ismail, Mawardi Rahmani, Bio-potential of compost tea from agro-waste to suppress Choanephora cucurbitarum L. the causal pathogen of wet rot of okra, Biological Control 49 (2009) 38–44.
B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, R.A. Williams, Tea waste as a low cost adsorbent for the removal of Cu and Pb from wastewater, Chemical Engineering Journal 132 (2007) 299–309.
G.S. Murugesan, M. Sathishkumar, K. Swaminathan, Arsenic removal from groundwater by pretreated waste tea fungal biomass, Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 483–487.

Hazards of the waste or by-product
Hazard characteristics
Not classified
No information
Measured harmful effects
Suspected harmful effects

Feltételezhetően nincs káros hatása.

Potential utilisation in soil
Would it be suitable for soil reclamation in general?
Justification, references

Mivel magas a nitrogén és szerves anyag tartalma, jó talajerő utánpótló.

Vermikomposztálva a talajban növeli a szervesanyagtartalmat, humusztartalmat.
Forrás: K. Shamini, S.H. Fauziah, C.U. Emenike (2011) Vermicomposting of spent tea: a sustainible approach for solid waste management. 12th INternational Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece

Would it provide sufficient amounts of special nutrients to the soil?
Justification, references

Mivel magas a nitrogén és szerves anyag tartalma, jó talajerő utánpótló.
Bizonyos gombafajok termesztésekor adalékként alkalmazna nő a terméshozam, akár komposztálva, akár direkt formában alkalmazzuk a használt tealevél hulladékot.
Forrás: Coskun Gulser, Aysun Peksen, Using tea waste as a new casing material in mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (L.) Sing.) cultivation, Bioresource Technology 88 (2003) 153–156.

A vas hozzáférhetőségét növeli talajokban.
Forrás: C K Morikawa, M Saigusa (2008) Recycling coffee and tea wastes to increase plant available Fe in alkaline soils, Plant and Soil 304 (1-2), pp. 249-255.

Would it suffice as an additive to growing media?
Justification, references

Mivel magas a nitrogén és ásványi anyag tartalma, jó talajerő utánpótló.

Would it improve the structure of compacted soil and/or contribute to soil crumb formation of poorly structured soils?
Justification, references

Nagy szerves anyag tartalmának köszönhetően javíthatja a talaj szerkezetét, ezáltal csökkentve a tömörödést.
A talajba helyezve növeli a porozitást és a talajrögök méretét csökkenti. A vizsgált növények növekedését elősegítette.
Ozdemir N, Yakupoglu T, Dengiz O. (2009) The effects of bio-solid and tea waste application into different levels of eroded soil on N, P and K concentrations, Environ Monit Assess 156(1-4), pp. 109-18.

Emad Telfah Abdulghani (2012) Effect of Black Tea Wastes on some of soil Properties and Barley (Hordium vulgar L.) Growth and Yield, Journal Tikrit Univ. For Agri. Sci. 12(3)

Would it be suitable for physical stabilisation and/or texture improvement of loose, quagmire soils?
Would it be suitable for erosion prevention?
Would it reduce the mobility and availability of the contaminants?
Justification, references

Vizes közegből nehézfémeket képes abszorbeálni.
Forrás:B.M.W.P.K. Amarasinghe, R.A. Williams (2007)Tea waste as a low cost adsorbent for the removal of Cu and Pb from wastewater, Chemical Engineering Journal, 132(1–3), pp. 299-309
Fémekkel kelátokat képez.
Forrás: M.K. Mondal (2009) Removal of Pb(II) ions from aqueous solution using activated tea waste: Adsorption on a fixed-bed column, Journal of Environmental Management 90(11), pp. 3266-3271

Vizes oldatokból festékek távolíthatóak el a segítségével.
Forrás: N. Nasuha, B.H. Hameed (2011) Adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution onto NaOH-modified rejected tea, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 166(2), pp. 783-786
Cr3+-t adszorbeálja és mobilitását csökkenti.
R. Azmat, Y. Akhter, T. Ahmed, S. Qureshi (2010) Treatment of Cr3+ contaminated soil by solid tea wastage, Pak. J. Bot., 42(2), pp. 1129-1136.

Would it be suitable for production of geotechnical elements?
Risks associated with potential utilisation in soil

Feltételezhetően nincs káros hatása.

Properties of the datasheet
Datasheet id (original)
Fekete-Kertész Ildikó
Adatlap típusaWaste / by-product survey