Data provider
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group
Contact details
General information about the waste or by-product
- 02 01 wastes from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
- 02 01 07 waste from forestry
A juharfa feldolgozása során keletkező fa hulladék, főleg kéreg.
Characterisation and concentration of the chemical substances
- Other inorganic chemical compounds
- carbon
- Other inorganic chemical compounds
- oxigene
- Other inorganic chemical compounds
- hydrogen
- Other inorganic chemical compounds
- nitrogen (total)
- Other inorganic chemical compounds
- sulphur
Main characteristics of the waste/ by-product
Szén: 52%; oxigén: 41,3%; hidrogén: 6,2%; nitrogén: 0,4%; kén: 0,11%.
A talajra vagy talajba keverve könnyedén biodegradálódik, melynek kapcsán ásványi anyag és szerves anyag ellátást biztosít a növények és a talaj számára. A szerkezeti humusztartalom növelésén keresztül javítja a talaj szerkezetét.
Physico-chemical properties of the waste or by-product
Aprítva mulcsként hasznosítják. A mulcs dekorációs feladata mellett javítja a talaj vízháztartását. Idővel elbomlik, így szerves anyag utánpótlást biztosít a kert növényeinek. Csökkenti a fagyás veszélyt.
Króm levegőszennyezés bioindikátoraként szolgálhat.
Mandiwana, K.L., Resane, T., Panichev, N., Ngobeni, P. (2006) The application of tree bark as bio-indicator for the assessment of Cr(VI) in air pollution, Journal of Hazardous Materials 137(2), pp. 1241-1245.
Más fakérgekhez hasonlóan biodenitrifikáció elősegítésére alkalmas.
Trois, C., Pisano, G., Oxarango, L. (2010) Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost
Journal of Hazardous Materials 178(1–3), pp. 1100-1105.
Trois, C., Coulon, F., Combret, C.P., Martins, J.M.F., Oxarango, L.(2010) Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials 181(1–3), pp. 1163-1169.
Komposztálva talajjavításra alkalmazható más kérgekhez hasonlóan.
Filippi, C., Pera, A. (1990) Effect of soil temperature on infective capacity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in presence of poplar bark compost, Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 145(1), pp. 23-29.
Hazards of the waste or by-product
Feltételezhetően nincs káros hatása.
Potential utilisation in soil
Nincs konkrét referencia, de más fakérgekhez hasonlóan alkalmas lehet.
Trois, C., Pisano, G., Oxarango, L. (2010) Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost
Journal of Hazardous Materials 178(1–3), pp. 1100-1105.
Trois, C., Coulon, F., Combret, C.P., Martins, J.M.F., Oxarango, L.(2010) Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials 181(1–3), pp. 1163-1169.
Filippi, C., Pera, A. (1990) Effect of soil temperature on infective capacity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in presence of poplar bark compost, Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 145(1), pp. 23-29.
Nincs konkrét referencia, de más fakérgekhez hasonlóan alkalmas lehet.
N pótlására alkalmas lehet.
Trois, C., Pisano, G., Oxarango, L. (2010) Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost
Journal of Hazardous Materials 178(1–3), pp. 1100-1105.
Trois, C., Coulon, F., Combret, C.P., Martins, J.M.F., Oxarango, L.(2010) Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials 181(1–3), pp. 1163-1169.
Filippi, C., Pera, A. (1990) Effect of soil temperature on infective capacity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in presence of poplar bark compost, Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 145(1), pp. 23-29.
Nincs konkrét referencia, de más fakérgekhez hasonlóan rendelkezhet mezoelem tartalommal.
Trois, C., Pisano, G., Oxarango, L. (2010) Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost
Journal of Hazardous Materials 178(1–3), pp. 1100-1105.
Trois, C., Coulon, F., Combret, C.P., Martins, J.M.F., Oxarango, L.(2010) Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials 181(1–3), pp. 1163-1169.
Filippi, C., Pera, A. (1990) Effect of soil temperature on infective capacity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in presence of poplar bark compost, Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 145(1), pp. 23-29.
Nincs konkrét referencia, de más fakérgekhez hasonlóan rendelkezhet mikroelem tartalommal.
Trois, C., Pisano, G., Oxarango, L. (2010) Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost
Journal of Hazardous Materials 178(1–3), pp. 1100-1105.
Trois, C., Coulon, F., Combret, C.P., Martins, J.M.F., Oxarango, L.(2010) Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials 181(1–3), pp. 1163-1169.
Filippi, C., Pera, A. (1990) Effect of soil temperature on infective capacity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in presence of poplar bark compost, Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 145(1), pp. 23-29.
Nincs konkrét referencia, de más fakérgekhez hasonlóan alkalmas lehet.
Trois, C., Pisano, G., Oxarango, L. (2010) Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost
Journal of Hazardous Materials 178(1–3), pp. 1100-1105.
Trois, C., Coulon, F., Combret, C.P., Martins, J.M.F., Oxarango, L.(2010) Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials 181(1–3), pp. 1163-1169.
Filippi, C., Pera, A. (1990) Effect of soil temperature on infective capacity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in presence of poplar bark compost, Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 145(1), pp. 23-29.
Nincs konkrét referencia, de más fakérgekhez hasonlóan alkalmas lehet.
Magas szerves anyag tartalma miatt alkalmas.
Trois, C., Pisano, G., Oxarango, L. (2010) Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost
Journal of Hazardous Materials 178(1–3), pp. 1100-1105.
Trois, C., Coulon, F., Combret, C.P., Martins, J.M.F., Oxarango, L.(2010) Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials 181(1–3), pp. 1163-1169.
Filippi, C., Pera, A. (1990) Effect of soil temperature on infective capacity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in presence of poplar bark compost, Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 145(1), pp. 23-29.
Nincs konkrét referencia, de más fakérgekhez hasonlóan alkalmas lehet.
Magas szerves anyag tartalma miatt alkalmas lehet.
Hicklenton, P.R., Rodd, V., Warman, P.R. (2011) The effectiveness and consistency of source-separated municipal solid waste and bark composts as components of container growing media, Scientia Horticulturae 91(3–4), pp. 365-378.
Nincs konkrét referencia, de más fakérgekhez hasonlóan alkalmas lehet.
A szerkezeti humusztartalom növelésén keresztül alkalmas lehet.
Trois, C., Pisano, G., Oxarango, L. (2010) Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost
Journal of Hazardous Materials 178(1–3), pp. 1100-1105.
Trois, C., Coulon, F., Combret, C.P., Martins, J.M.F., Oxarango, L.(2010) Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials 181(1–3), pp. 1163-1169.
Filippi, C., Pera, A. (1990) Effect of soil temperature on infective capacity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in presence of poplar bark compost, Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 145(1), pp. 23-29.
Nincs konkrét referencia, de más fakérgekhez hasonlóan alkalmas lehet.
A szerkezeti humusztartalom növelésén keresztül alkalmas lehet.
Trois, C., Pisano, G., Oxarango, L. (2010) Alternative solutions for the bio-denitrification of landfill leachates using pine bark and compost
Journal of Hazardous Materials 178(1–3), pp. 1100-1105.
Trois, C., Coulon, F., Combret, C.P., Martins, J.M.F., Oxarango, L.(2010) Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: Focus on the microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials 181(1–3), pp. 1163-1169.
Filippi, C., Pera, A. (1990) Effect of soil temperature on infective capacity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in presence of poplar bark compost, Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 145(1), pp. 23-29.
Nincs lúgosító hatása.
Nincs savanyító hatása.
Nincs konkrét referencia, de más fakéreghez hasonlóan nem elképzelhetetlen ilyen irányú hasznosítása. Alkalmas lehet ólom és kadmium szennyezés megkötésére.
Watmough, S.A., Hutchinson, T.C. (2003) Uptake of 207Pb and 111Cd through bark of mature sugar maple, white ash and white pine: a field experiment , Environmental Pollution 121(1), pp. 39-48.
Nem ismert hasznosítással összefüggő kockázat.