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Füstgáz kéntelenítéséből származó gipsz

Data provider

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group

Organisation/Data provider's nameBudapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group
Name of contact
Dr. Molnár Mónika, Dr. Feigl Viktória
Contact details
General information about the waste or by-product
Denomination of the waste or by-productFüstgáz kéntelenítéséből származó gipsz
Denomination of the waste or by-product in English
Flue gas desurfurazition gypsum (FGDG)
Type of the waste or by-product data-sheet
General characterization
Functional characterisation
Non-hazardous waste from power industry
EWC code of waste
  • 10 01 wastes from power stations and other combustion plants (except 19)
  • 10 01 05 calcium-based reaction wastes from flue-gas desulphurisation in solid form
Consistency of the waste or by-product
Description of the waste generating technology

A füstgáz kéntelenítésből származó gipsz a hőerőművek kéményéből kikerülő füstgáz kén-dioxid tartalmának csökkentését eredményező technológia során keletkezik. A nedves és félszáraz kéntelenítési folyamat mellékterméke a gipsz.
Nagy tömegben, gyakorlatilag vegytisztán keletkezik, a füstgázok kén-dioxid tartalmának nedves, mészköves technológia alkalmazásával való csökkentése során, amit ipari méretekben ún. kéntelenítő berendezés alkalmazásával végeznek.
A gipsz a füstgáz kéndioxid-tartalmának csökkentését eredményező leválasztó technológia terméke. A mosótoronyban a felfelé áramló 120–130 °C-os füstgázba vizes mészkőszuszpenziót permeteznek be. A több szinten bepermetezett mosóoldat hatására a forró füstgáz lehűl, a kémiai reakciók eredményeként pedig a mészkő megköti a kéndioxid gázt, miközben kalciumszulfittá alakul. A mosóberendezés zsompjában összegyűlő szulfitiszapot állandó keverés közben, sűrített levegő bevezetésével, kalciumszulfáttá, azaz gipsszé oxidálják. A gipszszuszpenzió víztelenítése hidrociklonokkal és vákuum-szalagszűrőn történik. A kelettkezett gipszet gipszsilokban tárolják. Forrás:

Any special characteristics of the waste or by-product

Igen, függ a nyersanyag minőségétől és a technológia hatékonyságától.
Az adatlapon feltüntetett tartalmak forrása:

Is it a hazardous waste?
Characterisation of the waste as a chemical substance
Characterisation and concentration of the chemical substances
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other inorganic chemical compounds
Other type of chemical substance
CaSO4.2H2O Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Main component
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
99.6 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other inorganic chemical compounds
  • calcium
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Main component
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
24.3 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other inorganic chemical compounds
  • sulphur
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Main component
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
18.5 %
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other inorganic chemical compounds
  • nitrogen (total)
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
970 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other inorganic chemical compounds
  • phosphorous
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
1.0 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other inorganic chemical compounds
  • potassium
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
74 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other inorganic chemical compounds
  • magnesium
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
200 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • boron
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
13 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • copper
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
0.38 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • iron
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
150 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • manganese
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
0.62 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • molybdenum
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
3.2 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • nickel
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
3.0 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • zinc
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
1.2 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • arsenic
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
11 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other inorganic chemical compounds
  • barium
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
5.5 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • cadmium
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
1.0 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • chromium
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
1.0 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • lead
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
5.0 mg/kg
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Metals, semi-metals and their compounds
  • selenium
Other type of chemical substance
Forrás: [1]
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
25 mg/kg
Main characteristics of the waste/ by-product
Name of the waste/by-product
Füstgáz kéntelenítéséből származó gipsz
Components of the waste/by-product

Fő összetevői a kálcium és a kén (CaSO4.2H2O). A gipsz kőzetalkotó ásvány, mindenhol képződik, ahol szulfidásványok oxidálódnak és Ca is jelen van a környezetben.
A pontos összetételt a vegyi anyag tartalom pont alatt megadtuk.

Other characteristics of the waste/by-product

Szervetlen anyagokból áll, amelyek bekerülnek a biológiai rendszerkbe, elemkörforgalmakba, átalakulva vagy eredeti formában. A talaj szervetlen strukturális alkotóelemeibe, oxidokban, hidroxidokba és anyagásványokba beépülnek.
A gipsz kis mértékben vízoldható, oldhatósága és hidrolizálhatósága nagyban függ a környezetben jelen lévő többi anyagtól és iontól.
A gipsz szerves anyagokkal együtt hulladéklerakókban anaerob körülmények között hidrogénszulfid gáz termelését eredményezheti.

Physico-chemical properties of the waste or by-product
Moisture content (%)
Is this waste or by-product being utilised?

Talaj tápanyagpótlás, talajkondícionálás, szikes talajok javítása, cementhez keverve [2][3][4]. Dísztárgyak készítésére és égetett gipszként vakolathoz használják.

Hazards of the waste or by-product
Hazard characteristics
Not classified
Measured harmful effects
If harmful effect was measured, please, specify what was measured, which method was used, who did the measurement, and what was the result

Nagy fluorid tartalma lehet, ezért FGD-vel kezelt talajon termesztett növények akkumulálhatják a fluort, amely káros hatást gyakorolhat a növényekre és az állatokra. Ezt vizsgálták Álvarez-Ayusoa és munkatársai (2011) Spanyolországban egy spanyol széntüzelésű erőműből származó FGD-vel kezelt talajon [5].
[5] E. Álvarez-Ayusoa, A. Giménezb, J.C. Ballesterosb (2011) Fluoride accumulation by plants grown in acid soils amended with flue gas desulphurisation gypsum, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 192(3):1659–1666

Potential utilisation in soil
Would it be suitable for soil reclamation in general?
Justification, references

Ca- és S- tartalmának köszönhetően javítja a talajok fizikai tulajdonságait.

Would it supply nitrogen, phosphorous and/or potassium to the soil?
Would it supply mesoelements (Ca, Cl, Fe, Mg, Na, S, Si) to the soil?
Justification, references

Savanyú talajhoz keverve csökkent az oldható Al tartalom, nőtt a Ca, így a Ca:Al arány csökkent. A lucerna szárazanyag-tartalma csökkent [6].Lúgos talajban csökkentette a pH-t, és a kicserélhető Na tartalmat növelte [7].
[6] W. L. Stouta, W. E. Priddya (1996) Use of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) by‐product gypsum on alfalfa, 27(9-10):2419-2432; [7] Y. Sakai, S. Matsumoto, M. Sadakata (2004) Alkali Soil Reclamation with Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum in China and Assessment of Metal Content in Corn Grains, 13(1):65-80

Would it supply microelements (B, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn, V) to the soil?
Justification, references

A FGD gipsz eredetének függvényében, mivel esetenként tartalmazhat mikroelemeket is.

Would it provide sufficient amounts of special nutrients to the soil?
Justification, references

Kéntartalma miatt kénpótlásra alkalmas [8].
[8] K.A. Handreck (1986) Gypsum and superphosphate as sources of sulfur for plants in containers, Scientia Horticulturae, 30(1–2):19–35

Would it increase the humus/organic matter content of the soil?
Would it suffice as a main component of growing media?
Would it suffice as an additive to growing media?
Justification, references

Mivel tápanyagforrás a növények számára, növeli a víztartóképességét a talajnak [7][12].
[7] Y. Sakai, S. Matsumoto, M. Sadakata (2004) Alkali Soil Reclamation with Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum in China and Assessment of Metal Content in Corn Grains, 13(1):65-80; [12]

Would it improve the structure of compacted soil and/or contribute to soil crumb formation of poorly structured soils?
Would it be suitable for physical stabilisation and/or texture improvement of loose, quagmire soils?
Justification, references

Ca-tartalmának köszönhetően képes stabilizálni a talajt [9].
[9] I. Yilmaz, B. Civelekoglu (2009) Gypsum: An additive for stabilization of swelling clay soils, Applied Clay Science, 44(1–2):166–172

Would it be suitable for amending sandy soils?
Justification, references

Az apró homok részecskék szétszóródását megakadályozza, elősegíti a talajszemcsék aggregálódását, illetve növeli a víz beszivárgását [10].

Would it be suitable for erosion prevention?
Justification, references

Az apró homok részecskék szétszóródását megakadályozza, elősegíti a talajszemcsék aggregálódását, illetve növeli a víz beszivárgását [10].

Would it be suitable for amending acidic soils?
Justification, references

Ca-tartalmának köszönhetően [5].
[5] E. Álvarez-Ayusoa, A. Giménezb, J.C. Ballesterosb (2011) Fluoride accumulation by plants grown in acid soils amended with flue gas desulphurisation gypsum, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 192(3):1659–1666

Would it be suitable for amending saline and sodic soils?
Justification, references

Ca-tartalma miatt [11][12].
[11] M. Qadir, R.H. Qureshia, N. Ahmadb (1996) Reclamation of a saline-sodic soil by gypsum and Leptochloa fusca, Geoderma, 74(3–4):207–217; [12]

Would it reduce the mobility and availability of the contaminants?
Justification, references

Csökkenti a szennyezőanyagok transzportját a felszíni vizekbe [12].

Would it intensify the mobility, availability of the contaminants?
Would it intensify physical, chemical, and/or biological degradation and decomposition of contaminants?
Would it be suitable for production of geotechnical elements?
Justification, references

Szerkezetjavító hatása miatt.

Risks associated with potential utilisation in soil

Hulladék gipsz a gyártási folyamattól függően tartalmazhat toxikus fémeket, szennyezőanyagokat, maradványokat.

Properties of the datasheet
Datasheet id (original)
Ujaczki Éva
Adatlap típusaWaste / by-product survey