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Hulladék pálma olaj

Data provider

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group

Organisation/Data provider's nameBudapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group
Name of contact
Dr. Molnár Mónika, Dr. Feigl Viktória
Contact details
General information about the waste or by-product
Denomination of the waste or by-productHulladék pálma olaj
Denomination of the waste or by-product in English
Sludge palm oil
Type of the waste or by-product data-sheet
General characterization
Functional characterisation
Non-hazardous waste from agriculture and forestry
EWC code of waste
  • HUF
  • konzervgyártásból
  • lesztő és élesztő kivonat készítéséből, melasz feldolgozásból és fermentálásból származó hulladékok
  • 02 03 03 wastes from solvent extraction
Consistency of the waste or by-product
Sludge (sludgy), pasta
Description of the waste generating technology

A hulladék pálma olaj a pálma olaj gyártás mellékterméke, ez valójában rossz minőségű olaj, melynek magas a szabad zsírsavtartalma.
A pálma mag nedves sajtolását csigapréssel végzik, ezt követi a fizikai finomítás. Az olajat nagy vákuumban, 235 °C feletti hőmérsékleten, gőzzel kezelik. Ezt az eljárást csak olyan olajfajták esetében lehet alkalmazni, amelyek eleve kevés foszfatidot és fémet tartalmaznak (pálma-, kókuszolaj). Ez után derítés következik derítőfölddel vagy szénnel. A szagtalanítás művelete során a művelet során száraz gőzt injektálnak a magas hőmérsékleten vákuum alatt tartott olajba. Az eljárás egyrészt veszteséget okoz azon anyagok körében, amelyek desztillálhatók (szabad zsírsavak, szterinek, tokoferolok, a finomított olaj egy része) másrészt cisz-transz izomerizációt is okozhat a telítetlen zsírsavak kettős kötésein. Az ezen eljárások során visszamardt rossz minőségű olaj a hulladék pálma olaj.

Is it a hazardous waste?
Characterisation of the waste as a chemical substance
Characterisation and concentration of the chemical substances
Chemical substance, Main group|Chemical substance, Subgroup
  • Other inorganic chemical compounds
  • phosphorous
Is the contained chemical substance main component, component or contaminant of the waste or by-products / biochar?
Concentration of the chemical in the waste or by-product / biochar
10.3 mg/kg
Main characteristics of the waste/ by-product
Name of the waste/by-product
Hulladék pálma olaj
Components of the waste/by-product

A hulladék pálma olaj 47,17 tömegszázalékban telített zsírsavakat tartalmaz, 52,83%-ban pedig telítetlen zsírsavakat. A szabad zsírsavtartalom 23,2%.
Zsírsav összetétel(tömeg%-ban):
Kapronsav C6: 0 0,02 ± 0,0
Kaprilsav C8: 0 0.096 ± 0.05
Kaprinsav C10​​: 0 0,08 ± 0,01
Laurinsav C12: 0 1,2 ± 0,95
Mirisztinsav C14: 0 1,42 ± 0,23
Palmitinsav C16: 0 42.84 ± 3,92
Palmitoleinsav C16: 1 0,13 ± 0,01
Sztearinsav C18: 0 4,21 ± 0,25
Olajsav C18: 1 39.58 ± 1.57
Linolsav C18: 2 9.92 ± 1.39
Arachinsav C20: 0 0,38 ± 0,01
alfa-linolénsav C18: 3 0,12 ± 0,02
Forrás: Hayyan, A., Alam, Z., Mirghani, M.E.S., Kabbashi, N.A., Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2011) Reduction of high content of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyst for biodiesel production, Fuel Processing Technology 92(5), 920”924.

Physico-chemical properties of the waste or by-product
Moisture content (%)
Ignition loss (LOI) (%)
Pozzolan activity
Is this waste or by-product being utilised?

Biodízel előállítás alapanyaga.
Nasaruddin, R.R., Alam, Z., Jami, M.S. (2014) Evaluation of solvent system for the enzymatic synthesis of ethanol-based biodiesel from sludge palm oil(SPO), Bioresource Technology 154, pp. 155”161.

Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2010) Sludge palm oil as a renewable raw material for biodiesel production by two-step processes, Bioresource Technology 101(20), pp. 7804”7811.

Hayyan, A., Hashim, M:A., Mirghani, M.E.S., Hayyan, M., AlNashef, I.M. (2013) Esterification of sludge palm oil using trifluoromethanesulfonic acid for preparation of biodiesel fuel, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 30(6), pp. 1229”1234.

Hayyan, A., Alam, Z., Mirghani, M.E.S., Kabbashi, N.A., Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2011) Reduction of high content of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyst for biodiesel production, Fuel Processing Technology 92(5), 920”924.

Felületaktív anyagok előállítására alkalmas.
W.M.F.W, Nawawi, Jamal, P., Alam, Z. (2010) Utilization of sludge palm oil as a novel substrate for biosurfactant production, Bioresource Technology101(23), pp. 9241”9247.

Hazards of the waste or by-product
Hazard characteristics
Not classified
No information
Measured harmful effects
Suspected harmful effects

Talajban akkor lehet nagy a talajba tett növényi olaj kockázata, ha az olyan mennyiségben történik, mely gátolja a talajban a levegőellátást. A talaj mikroorganizmusok lebontják. A bontás eredményeképpen csökkenhet a talaj pH értéke, mely egyes növényeknek nem kedvez.

Potential utilisation in soil
Would it be suitable for soil reclamation in general?
Justification, references

Magas szerves anyag tartalmának köszönhetően igen.
Nasaruddin, R.R., Alam, Z., Jami, M.S. (2014) Evaluation of solvent system for the enzymatic synthesis of ethanol-based biodiesel from sludge palm oil(SPO), Bioresource Technology 154, pp. 155”161.

W.M.F.W, Nawawi, Jamal, P., Alam, Z. (2010) Utilization of sludge palm oil as a novel substrate for biosurfactant production, Bioresource Technology101(23), pp. 9241”9247.

Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2010) Sludge palm oil as a renewable raw material for biodiesel production by two-step processes, Bioresource Technology 101(20), pp. 7804”7811.

Hayyan, A., Alam, Z., Mirghani, M.E.S., Kabbashi, N.A., Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2011) Reduction of high content of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyst for biodiesel production, Fuel Processing Technology 92(5), 920”924.

Hayyan, A., Hashim, M:A., Mirghani, M.E.S., Hayyan, M., AlNashef, I.M. (2013) Esterification of sludge palm oil using trifluoromethanesulfonic acid for preparation of biodiesel fuel, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 30(6), pp. 1229”1234.

Would it supply nitrogen, phosphorous and/or potassium to the soil?
Justification, references

Kis mennyiségben foszfort tartalmaz.
Nasaruddin, R.R., Alam, Z., Jami, M.S. (2014) Evaluation of solvent system for the enzymatic synthesis of ethanol-based biodiesel from sludge palm oil(SPO), Bioresource Technology 154, pp. 155”161.

W.M.F.W, Nawawi, Jamal, P., Alam, Z. (2010) Utilization of sludge palm oil as a novel substrate for biosurfactant production, Bioresource Technology101(23), pp. 9241”9247.

Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2010) Sludge palm oil as a renewable raw material for biodiesel production by two-step processes, Bioresource Technology 101(20), pp. 7804”7811.

Hayyan, A., Alam, Z., Mirghani, M.E.S., Kabbashi, N.A., Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2011) Reduction of high content of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyst for biodiesel production, Fuel Processing Technology 92(5), 920”924.

Hayyan, A., Hashim, M:A., Mirghani, M.E.S., Hayyan, M., AlNashef, I.M. (2013) Esterification of sludge palm oil using trifluorom

Would it supply mesoelements (Ca, Cl, Fe, Mg, Na, S, Si) to the soil?
No information
Would it supply microelements (B, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn, V) to the soil?
No information
Would it provide sufficient amounts of special nutrients to the soil?
Would it increase the humus/organic matter content of the soil?
Justification, references

Magas szerves anyag tartalma miatt igen.
Nasaruddin, R.R., Alam, Z., Jami, M.S. (2014) Evaluation of solvent system for the enzymatic synthesis of ethanol-based biodiesel from sludge palm oil(SPO), Bioresource Technology 154, pp. 155”161.

W.M.F.W, Nawawi, Jamal, P., Alam, Z. (2010) Utilization of sludge palm oil as a novel substrate for biosurfactant production, Bioresource Technology101(23), pp. 9241”9247.

Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2010) Sludge palm oil as a renewable raw material for biodiesel production by two-step processes, Bioresource Technology 101(20), pp. 7804”7811.

Hayyan, A., Alam, Z., Mirghani, M.E.S., Kabbashi, N.A., Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2011) Reduction of high content of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyst for biodiesel production, Fuel Processing Technology 92(5), 920”924.

Would it suffice as a main component of growing media?
Justification, references

Állagából kifolyólag nem.

Would it suffice as an additive to growing media?
Justification, references

Magas szerves anyag tartalma miatt igen.
Nasaruddin, R.R., Alam, Z., Jami, M.S. (2014) Evaluation of solvent system for the enzymatic synthesis of ethanol-based biodiesel from sludge palm oil(SPO), Bioresource Technology 154, pp. 155”161.

W.M.F.W, Nawawi, Jamal, P., Alam, Z. (2010) Utilization of sludge palm oil as a novel substrate for biosurfactant production, Bioresource Technology101(23), pp. 9241”9247.

Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2010) Sludge palm oil as a renewable raw material for biodiesel production by two-step processes, Bioresource Technology 101(20), pp. 7804”7811.

Hayyan, A., Alam, Z., Mirghani, M.E.S., Kabbashi, N.A., Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2011) Reduction of high content of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyst for biodiesel production, Fuel Processing Technology 92(5), 920”924.

Would it improve the structure of compacted soil and/or contribute to soil crumb formation of poorly structured soils?
Justification, references

Kis mennyiségben alkalmazva magas szerves anyag tartalma miatt hozzájárulhat a szerkezeti humusztartalom növeléséhez, de nagy mennyiségben a talajba keverve a talajszemcsék aggregálódását okozhatja.
Nasaruddin, R.R., Alam, Z., Jami, M.S. (2014) Evaluation of solvent system for the enzymatic synthesis of ethanol-based biodiesel from sludge palm oil(SPO), Bioresource Technology 154, pp. 155”161.

W.M.F.W, Nawawi, Jamal, P., Alam, Z. (2010) Utilization of sludge palm oil as a novel substrate for biosurfactant production, Bioresource Technology101(23), pp. 9241”9247.

Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2010) Sludge palm oil as a renewable raw material for biodiesel production by two-step processes, Bioresource Technology 101(20), pp. 7804”7811.

Would it be suitable for physical stabilisation and/or texture improvement of loose, quagmire soils?
Justification, references

Állagából kifolyólag nem.

Would it be suitable for amending sandy soils?
Justification, references

Kis mennyiségben alkalmazva magas szerves anyag tartalma miatt hozzájárulhat a szerkezeti humusztartalom növeléséhez, de nagy mennyiségben a talajba keverve a talajszemcsék aggregálódását okozhatja.
Nasaruddin, R.R., Alam, Z., Jami, M.S. (2014) Evaluation of solvent system for the enzymatic synthesis of ethanol-based biodiesel from sludge palm oil(SPO), Bioresource Technology 154, pp. 155”161.

W.M.F.W, Nawawi, Jamal, P., Alam, Z. (2010) Utilization of sludge palm oil as a novel substrate for biosurfactant production, Bioresource Technology101(23), pp. 9241”9247.

Hakimi, N.I.N.M., Siran, Y.M., Tahiruddin, S. (2010) Sludge palm oil as a renewable raw material for biodiesel production by two-step processes, Bioresource Technology 101(20), pp. 7804”7811.

Would it be suitable for erosion prevention?
Would it be suitable for amending acidic soils?
Justification, references

Nincs lúgosító hatása.

Would it be suitable for amending saline and sodic soils?
Justification, references

Nincs savasító hatása.

Would it reduce the mobility and availability of the contaminants?
Would it intensify the mobility, availability of the contaminants?
No information
Would it intensify physical, chemical, and/or biological degradation and decomposition of contaminants?
No information
Would it be suitable for production of geotechnical elements?
Risks associated with potential utilisation in soil

Talajban akkor lehet nagy a talajba tett növényi olaj kockázata, ha az olyan mennyiségben történik, mely gátolja a talajban a levegőellátást. A talaj mikroorganizmusok lebontják. A bontás eredményeképpen csökkenhet a talaj pH értéke, mely egyes növényeknek nem kedvez.

Properties of the datasheet
Datasheet id (original)
Fekete-Kertész Ildikó
Adatlap típusaWaste / by-product survey