Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Group
Termelő, felelős, gyűjtő adatai
Hulladék, melléktermék fő adatai
- 02 04 wastes from sugar processing
- 02 04 02 off-specification calcium carbonate
After reception at the processing plant, the beet roots are washed, mechanically sliced into thin strips called cossettes, and passed to a machine called a diffuser to extract the sugar content into a water solution. During diffusion, a portion of the sucrose breaks down into invert sugars. Carbonatation is a procedure which removes impurities from raw juice before it undergoes crystallization. First, the juice is mixed with hot milk of lime (a suspension of calcium hydroxide in water). This treatment precipitates a number of impurities, including multivalent anions such as sulfate, phosphate, citrate and oxalate, which precipitate as their calcium salts and large organic molecules such as proteins, saponins and pectins, which aggregate in the presence of multivalent cations. In addition, the alkaline conditions convert the simple sugars, glucose and fructose, along with the amino acid glutamine, to chemically stable carboxylic acids. carbon dioxide is bubbled through the alkaline sugar solution, precipitating the lime as calcium carbonate (chalk). The thin juice is concentrated via multiple-effect evaporation to make a thick juice, roughly 60% sucrose by weight and similar in appearance to pancake syrup. Thick juice is fed to the crystallizers. Processing
Vegyi anyag (keverék) jellemzői és vegyi anyag tartalom
- Egyéb szerves vegyi anyag
- Egyéb szervetlen vegyi anyagok
- nitrogén (összes)
- Egyéb szervetlen vegyi anyagok
- foszfor-pentoxid (P2O5)
- Egyéb szervetlen vegyi anyagok
- kálcium
- Egyéb szervetlen vegyi anyagok
- magnézium
- Fémek, félfémek és vegyületeik
- réz
- Fémek, félfémek és vegyületeik
- mangán
- Fémek, félfémek és vegyületeik
- vas
- Fémek, félfémek és vegyületeik
- cink
- Fémek, félfémek és vegyületeik
- ólom
- Fémek, félfémek és vegyületeik
- kadmium
- Fémek, félfémek és vegyületeik
- króm
- Fémek, félfémek és vegyületeik
- nikkel
- Fémek, félfémek és vegyületeik
- arzén
- Fémek, félfémek és vegyületeik
- higany
Vegyes hulladék, termék jellegű hulladék jellemzői
Organic matter: 7,57%; N: 0,27%; P2O5: 1,15%; K2O: 0,11%; CaO: 31,73%; MgO: 1,27%; Na2O: 0,04%; Total carbon: 9,22%; Cu: 13,87 mg/kg; Mn: 167,00 mg/kg; Fe: 1946,00 mg/kg; Zn: 28,60 mg/kg; Pb: 2,59 mg/kg; Cd: 0,29 mg/kg; Cr: 4,27 mg/kg; Ni: 2,70 mg/kg; As: 1,33 mg/kg; Hg: 0,01 mg/kg
Hulladék, melléktermék jellemzése
It is suitable for degraded and acidic soils. It is a good alternative P and N source.
Mosen A. Beet-sugar handbook. John Wiley and Sons, 2006.;
Burcky, K., Marlander, B., 2000. Investigations on the nutrient content of carbonation lime during storage in the field. Zuckerindustrie 125 (3), 169–174.;
Wasner, J., Liebhard, P., Eigner, H., 2001. Application of carbonation lime on high ph soils in the pannonian region of austria. Zuckerindustrie 126 (3), 194–201.
Hulladék, melléktermék veszélyessége
There is no harmful effect for the environment. The corrosive property can be coordinated by using safety devices.
The concentration of toxic metals is under the limit value.
It is corrosive (ph=11).
Potenciális használat talajra
It is used as natural soil improving amendment.
Paleckienė, R., Sviklas, A.M., ©link¹ienė, R.( 2007) The Role of Sugar Factory Lime on Compound Fertilizer Properties, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 16(3), pp. 423-426.…
It is suitable for P amendment.…
Paleckienė, R., Sviklas, A.M., ©link¹ienė, R.( 2007) The Role of Sugar Factory Lime on Compound Fertilizer Properties, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 16(3), pp. 423-426.
It is suitable for Ca and Mg amendment.
Paleckienė, R., Sviklas, A.M., ©link¹ienė, R.( 2007) The Role of Sugar Factory Lime on Compound Fertilizer Properties, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 16(3), pp. 423-426.
Paleckienė, R., Sviklas, A.M., ©link¹ienė, R.( 2007) The Role of Sugar Factory Lime on Compound Fertilizer Properties, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 16(3), pp. 423-426.
Because of its pH=11.
Paleckienė, R., Sviklas, A.M., ©link¹ienė, R.( 2007) The Role of Sugar Factory Lime on Compound Fertilizer Properties, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 16(3), pp. 423-426.
Pedro González-Fernándeza, Rafaela Ordóñez-Fernándeza, Ignacio Mariscal-Sanchob, Rafael Espejo-Serranob (2012) Economics of applications of sugar factory lime refuse in Mediterranean Ultisols, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 58(1). pp. 185-189.
When it is applied to soil, the amount should be determined calculating with the soil own heavy metal concentration. The alkalinity is not problematic up until 20%, it sholud be calculated based on the soil own pH.
Paleckienė, R., Sviklas, A.M., ©link¹ienė, R.( 2007) The Role of Sugar Factory Lime on Compound Fertilizer Properties, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 16(3), pp. 423-426.